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Sierra Leone Embassy Russian Federation

Embassy Information

The Embassy of the Republic of Sierra Leone in the Russian Federation was established in Moscow in 1962. As the only diplomatic mission in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, it previously covered twenty-two (22) countries situated in the North and South Caucasus, the Balkans, Eastern, Central, and Southeastern Europe, positioned mostly along the Black Sea. The Sierra Leone Embassy has therefore been seen to represent the broad interests of Sierra Leone in its almost limited capacity as a foreign mission; equally so, as a very small country dealing with comparatively stronger states, and in some cases, stronger powers in the afore-mentioned region.

In delineating the foreign policy objectives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Republic of Sierra Leone, a well laid out strategy for outreach and rebranding is anticipated as a hall mark of the New Direction Plan under the administration of His Excellency Julius Maada Bio, President of the Republic of Sierra Leone who made a commitment to initiate a transformation of the Foreign Service in his maiden speech to Parliament in October 2018. The broad goals of an enlarged foreign policy apparatus are thus germane as a means of reinforcing a robust corps of diplomats at the core of Heads and Deputy Heads of Missions, career officers and Honorary Consuls abroad.

The Sierra Leone Foreign Service established since 1961 has indeed experienced interesting vicissitudes of both progress in terms of moving forward a strong diplomatic tradition of posting officers to overseas Missions abroad, and a bush-league establishment at headquarters, hindered by a myriad of administrative challenges. This scenario, in its current form, was unfortunately inherited from the past administration spanning 2007-2018 with only limited reforms being introduced in view of enhancing remuneration at the senior cadre level.

With the growing need for Sierra Leone to be recognized as a country striving for improved domestic reforms, coupled with a transformational agenda in its foreign policy objectives for enhanced representation at the international level, the importance of outreach with opportunities for broader diplomatic enlargement in this region is therefore a priority. On the surface of its core functions as an Embassy with residence in Moscow, the current diplomatic coverage of fourteen (14) other countries invariably presents a huge challenge given the limited number of diplomatic officers present, and the absence of any administrative or technical staff (Information, Trade, Military Attaches etc.) from Sierra Leone to boost the capacity of the Mission. The current location and space of the Chancery has itself been an impediment to transformational growth over the years.


Hence, a reconfiguration of the Embassy in terms of its diplomatic function and relevance is key as a way of mainstreaming its role as Sierra Leone’s face and voice, for effective representation. The urgency to explore the given opportunities in the regions of accreditation in favour of Sierra Leone is compelling due to the pressing demands for effective aid coordination and budgetary support from donor partners and friends, hardcore infrastructural development projects generating solid partnership agreements with friendly countries and robust mechanisms for trade coordination and foreign direct investment into the country. Expanded collaboration to realize these gains therefore remains the fulcrum of this Mission.

The Embassy of the Republic of Sierra Leone is accredited to the following countries, fourteen (14) of which were formerly within the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR):

The Russian Federation















This Embassy also supervises the Honorary Consuls for Sierra Leone to Ukraine, Albania and Romania

A new paradigm is therefore required to harness much broader opportunities from all the countries covered by the Embassy of the Republic of Sierra Leone in the Russian Federation. The ability to channel the possibilities of such a large bloc of countries constituting the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization (BSEC), Eurasian Economic Union (EUEU) and the Council of Europe could be a veritable opportunity for Sierra Leone in terms of leveraging its advantages whilst seeking common ground for political, social, economic, cultural, scientific, technological and humanitarian cooperation.


Mission Statement

Promoting Diplomacy and Cooperation

At the Sierra Leone Embassy in Moscow, we are committed to promoting diplomacy and cooperation between Sierra Leone and Russia. Our goal is to foster mutual understanding and respect between our two countries, and to encourage collaboration in areas such as trade, education, and culture.


To develop a vibrant and efficient Mission capable of sustaining international support and goodwill from the diplomatic community in the Russian Federation for practical cooperation and effective economic diplomacy


The primary goal of the Embassy of the Republic of Sierra Leone in the Russian Federation is to pursue the foreign policy objectives of Sierra Leone through expanded cooperation, primarily at the bilateral level but also at the multilateral level, to consolidate the friendly ties existing with the Russian Federation and with all other countries of accreditation, and to increase cooperation with all diplomatic missions and international organizations accredited in Moscow for extended partnerships at all levels.


The Embassy aims to:

  • Promote Sierra Leone’s economic, political, social, cultural, scientific and technological interests as key features of an emerging economy

  • Advance Sierra Leone’s national interest and values

  • Engage the business communities for enhanced private sector participation to attract trade and foreign direct investment

  • Create a platform for dialogue and strategic partnerships for increased economic and technical cooperation

  • Protect the interests of Sierra Leoneans in the region

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